This Audi Q2 is 1 year old. With 3386 miles recorded, it has done an average of 3386 miles per year. First registered in 2024. This Grey SUV is for sale in the Belfast region for £2,500.
Wheel arch trims in manhattan grey12v socket in front3 seat bench in 2nd row3 spoke leather trimmed multi-function steering wheel with height and reach adjustable4-way electric lumbar support for front seats including manual seat height adjustment for both front seats60/40 split folding rear seat benchBlack carpetsFront and rear head restraintsFront centre armrestFront sport seatsFront/rear floor matsGrey cloth headliningHeight/reach adjust steering wheelIndex cloth upholsteryISOFIX child seat mounting in front passenger and rear outer seatsManual air conditioningSingle front passenger seatAuto dimming rear view mirrorBlack window trimsBody colour door mirrors
Cost & Efficiency
Cost & Efficiency:
148.0 (g/km)
41.3 mpg
* Cars registered on or after 01/04/17 with a list price of over £40,000 at first registration including those with 0g/km will pay a vehicle road fund licence surcharge for 5 years from the start of the second licence
Performance & Engine
Performance & Engine
114.4 bhp (5500 rpm)
1 L
122 mph
147.6 lb-ft (2000 rpm)
*Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information above. However, errors may occur. Check with a salesperson about items which may affect your decision to purchase.