This Honda Civic is 7 years old and has had 1 registered keeper. With 34677 miles recorded, it has done an average of 4954 miles per year. First registered in 2018. This White Hatchback is for sale in the Doncaster region for £15,499.
Cost & Efficiency
Cost & Efficiency:
39.8 mpg
128.0 (g/km)
60.1 mpg
2.8 mpg
* Cars registered on or after 01/04/17 with a list price of over £40,000 at first registration including those with 0g/km will pay a vehicle road fund licence surcharge for 5 years from the start of the second licence
Performance & Engine
Performance & Engine
179 bhp (6000 rpm)
1.5 L
137 mph
177.1 lb-ft (5500 rpm)
*Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information above. However, errors may occur. Check with a salesperson about items which may affect your decision to purchase.